miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

it is not...........

It is not that i miss you. 
It is not that it makes me sad. 
It is not that i do not hate you. 
It is not that my pride is in command. 

It is not that i feel sorry for myself, 
it is not that i am down again. 
It is not that it seems 
that all this work was not worth  
all the tears and lonely nights 
i have buried deep inside this hole. 

It is not that i recall you 
dressed in your red dress. 
It is not that i recall you 
early in the morning 
lying on my summer bed.  

It is not i am not aware 
of my addiction to you. 
It is not i´ve been so cold 
that i cannot say a word 
about how i am suffering 
this tempting, 
shinning gold. 

It is not that i´ve seen 
the look in your eyes 
that said to be true 
what was just a lie. 

It is not that i seem 
to be able to touch 
what has turned into 
something out of reach. 

It is not that i am scared 
of never going back. 

It is that it seems to me 
you do not care at all. 
It is that it seems to me 
you are so far 
that i will never get 
to understand what 
crossed your mind inside. 

It is that i was wrong 
and you were right. 
It is that i lost myself 
while you found my scars. 

It is that i´ve been so close 
i´ve burned my mind 
trying to get to you 
and trying in return 
to make you love me too.  

It is that i am sorry, 
i am frightened, 
i am lost. 
It is that i am discouraged 
just by seeing you again. 

It is that i am far from where 
i am supposed to be lying. 
It is that i am dissapointed 
just by watching us die. 

viernes, 10 de junio de 2011


grasping the air,
waiting in vain.
declaring bankrupt
on my heart inside.
consumption arises
to those who tried
to live in pain
against themselves
or another times. 
the stars above
have nothing to say
instead of asking
lets try to forget
how we got here, 
how we ended dead.
i came here not for regrets,
i wondered why you
were never there
when i screamed 
as loud as i could
just for some respect.
partying made me
take memories away.
drugs took myself
to my own paradise
where my thoughts and strives
were no longer in control
of my just learnt wisdom.
into the land of forever
i drove my crazyness
so fast i just could
hit and run.
disregarded and betrayed,
inusually discouraged,
hurt on pourpose,
left alone to die alive.
now i am on possesion
of you tricks and lies.
let make them mine,
i´ll use them wisely.
now i see the result
of my delusions
into my very sad of you,
too late to start anew.

un verde casual

llegó un tarde de abril
de la mano de la primavera
junto con una promesa
fuxia, roja y violeta.
un acomodo provisional,
una luz parcial,
una presencia más
que no pude acallar. 
nos ignoramos
durante días
hasta que, 
a fuerza de mirarnos
a hurtadillas,
llego la curiosidad.
no se por qué o cómo, 
no se por qué o cuándo, 
empezamos a querernos
a fuerza de la rutina
de yo paso y tu miras,
o tu distraida y yo
entre las cortinas.
pero de alguna forma
nos unimos por azar
su tristeza era la mía, 
mi alegría era su savia;
mis lagrimas la regaban
y en su tierra yerma
mis raices crecían.
y, de pronto, asi sin más,
ella se me hizo a medida
y yo me dejé conquistar.
se metio dentro de mí
y empezo a espiar. 
saco sus conclusiones
y no me dio opción,
ninguna, de protestar.
y cuando quise darme cuenta
ella era mi termómetro, 
ella era mi altar.
mi tristeza la marchitaba,
mi euforia la hacia intentar
salirse de su habitat natural
y buscar nuevas tierras
que poder conquistar.
y ahora, ahí está, 
mirandome confiada, 
sabiendo que la tormenta 
acaba de pasar, 
se erige con valentía 
luchando con la gravedad
de alguien que sabe
lo que va a pasar. 
ella no habla, 
no dice nada,
pero sabe de mí
más que cualquiera
sin preguntar.
mi pequeña hierbabuena
como te voy a cortar
para hacer mojitos
si tu vida y la mía
de la mano van......

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

how can i

feeling free
if he tells me what he knows
i´d like to know
where´s the hidden place
i´ve heard about.
not so far from here
i could make it by the evening
hoping to give sunshined lands
to those unforgivers
who had lost their view.
clean from dust and pain
the path to this word
becomes longer and longer
as if it was growing
deep into an unknown world.
tell me all that you know,
show me what you have to show.
hit me with the truth
living by the trees.
can you understand
that when the day is gone
nothing between us
will be the same.
do not hesitate to ask
as if i´d be gone tomorrow
what are my thoughts heading to
an where are you in my head.
behind me you will only find
all the truths and lies
i´ve been told long ago.
how can i
even try to find
if searching is a mistake.
who can tell
what lies under the carpet
or which dreams are waiting
making the princess of the sky
drop crystal tears
on the whispering wind.